This space is for sharing books that we believe are very useful in awakening consciousness. Virus-free and freely available.
Handbook for Ascension
This book invites you to examine how you view the relationship between the physical, emotional, mental, and Spirit. As you read, do so with a very open heart chakra. Feel the energy behind and within the words. Allow your Spirit, and Serapis, to give substance to your understanding as you read. You can then go back and analyze the material from an intellectual standpoint. Let understanding be your filter during your first reading without any mental judgment. The book is short enough to allow for more than one reading. It is also non-linear, as Serapis can approach the same concept from a variety of different directions.
audiobook on youtube
Conversations with God volume 1
This book addresses most, if not all, of the questions we've ever asked about life and love, purpose and function, people and relationships, good and evil, guilt and sin, forgiveness and redemption, the path to God and the path to hell... everything. It deals directly with sex, power, money, children, marriage, divorce, life, work, health, the hereafter, the here and now... everything. It explores war and peace, knowledge and ignorance, giving and receiving, joy and sorrow. It examines the concrete and the abstract, the visible and the invisible, truth and lies.
Remember that you can access audiobooks on YouTube or Spotify
Conversations with God Volume 2
This book addresses most, if not all, of the questions we've ever asked about life and love, purpose and function, people and relationships, good and evil, guilt and sin, forgiveness and redemption, the path to God and the path to hell... everything. It deals directly with sex, power, money, children, marriage, divorce, life, work, health, the hereafter, the here and now... everything. It explores war and peace, knowledge and ignorance, giving and receiving, joy and sorrow. It examines the concrete and the abstract, the visible and the invisible, truth and lies.
You can also access the audiobook on YouTube:
Conversations with God volume 4
This book suggests that we may be able to change the course of humanity forever. This process includes recognizing ourselves in all aspects of our lives as physical beings, and then knowing and going through our metaphysical part. It will then be possible for a new civilization to live with true, awakened consciousness. It is in our hands to achieve this.
The seventh ray, Saint Germain
This book, channeled by Master Saint Germain, explains the power of transmutation of the violet fire, a divine aspect that has the function of liberating karma and disintegrating discordant energies within and around our bodies and spaces, as well as the functioning of the cosmic network.
Bhagavad Gita
It was at the beginning of this age, some fifty centuries ago, that Sri Krsna explained the Bhagavad-gita to His friend and devotee, Arjuna. Their conversation, one of the most outstanding philosophical and religious dialogues ever known to man, took place immediately before the beginning of a war, a great fratricidal conflict between the hundred sons of Dhrtarastra and, on the opposing side, their cousins, the Pandavas, the sons of Pandu. Krsna explains the great mysteries of the universe and how to be freed from the wheel of karmic chaos.
I leave you the audiobook on this beautiful page that delves into Hindu philosophy.