Lessons about Angels
Everything you need to know about Angeles
Angeles and her service
The word Angel means messenger, we are going to review several videos by Gabriel Silva that neatly summarize the origin and work of divine beings.
It is important to understand that even our selfish intentions and bad intentions always assist us. For this reason, we must be careful with our emotions and our resentment, since we may be unconsciously sending misqualified energies to our loved ones.
Something we have to keep in mind is that they serve all of creation and take their form of presentation according to the planet where they are working, therefore, they are masters in taking different forms, they are capable of materializing or showing themselves luminous, everything will depend on the filter, the intellectual and emotional capacities and perception that the one who invokes them possesses.
Both the messengers of light and darkness provide a service to humanity.
Powerful Archangels
The divine messengers have great abilities. Daily invocation cleanses, heals and improves the mental, emotional, etheric and physical energy field. You just have to be persistent. Each one enhances an aspect of universal energy. This lesson is very useful as it teaches the qualities that we can enhance in our reality.
Name of the service
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Archangel Michael
The beloved Archangel Michael is the great protector of the Christ consciousness and of humanity. This meditation cuts and frees us from external influences that generate illusions in our reality, filling us with fear, uncertainty, anxiety and worry, attracting them with more force to our lives, since we give them all our attention. This meditation is very useful to free the mind from those thought forms that trap us in an adverse reality.
The Guardian Angel
Guardian angels or suppliers are beings that guide us on the path, from the moment we leave the divine source and incarnate in the different places destined for our experimentation to recognize ourselves, since forgetting serves to return to innocence, it is useful to experience again without prejudices and pain from our previous lives.
They accompany us life after life, and they know which are wounds from this life and which are wounds from past lives.
They are not there to protect you from death, because if you voluntarily decide to put yourself at risk and die, they know that the soul is eternal and you are just experimenting.
This channeling summarizes the support that the Guardian Angel provides, since you must work, forgive and let go, as well as recognize which are the events that have marked your life and that you must overcome at all costs in order to fully live your present.
Many have lived a divine experience, he is in charge of bringing you back on the path, but it is your decision to respond to the call.
Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron is the natural leader of the Archangels, this hierarchy is ordered, managed and directed by him, who is an ophanil, a throne, his knowledge is infinite and directly connected to the source, he does the divine will, brings the light of knowledge to humanity so that we remember, to understand what we have come to contribute.
This channeling is precisely for those souls who are remembering their soul past, the ancient places they visited and who are looking for answers for this experience and experimentation.
He works on humanity's karma together with healers, a fundamental role for the advancement of collective consciousness.